grow your hair back! part 3 of 4

Let’s chew over the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that…
a) you need to grow hair
b) are safe for the hemochromatosis diet.
Good nutrition plays a part in healthy hair. Many of us – due to a busy work schedule, or kids who are picky eaters, or our own darned sweet tooth – have far from a “perfect” diet. Here are the nutrients you should eat more of that are beneficial not only in terms of hair growth, but also in regard to healthy outcomes for people with iron overload.

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grow your hair back! part 2 of 4

While some causes of hair loss are inevitable – like genetics and aging – hair that’s fallen out as a consequence of iron overload doesn’t have to be permanent! Now that you’re getting your iron levels under control, your organs, hormones, and body functions are recovering – and you can grow your hair back. There are four main approaches to cultivating a big head of hair. If you’ve lost your hair, you’ll want to hit on all 4 of these approaches to see the best effects.

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grow your hair back! part 1 of 4

Among the not so pretty symptoms of hemochromatosis and iron overload, there are a few that are particularly uncomfortable. And unfortunately, they can last a while after your diagnosis and the start of your treatment. One of these symptoms is hair loss, and it can feel embarrassing. That’s why I’ve put together all the info I could find to benefit anyone who’s lost hair to hemochromatosis and is struggling to grow it back.

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