grow your hair back! part 2 of 4

While some causes of hair loss are inevitable – like genetics and aging – hair that’s fallen out as a consequence of iron overload doesn’t have to be permanent! Now that you’re getting your iron levels under control, your organs, hormones, and body functions are recovering – and you can grow your hair back. There are four main approaches to cultivating a big head of hair. If you’ve lost your hair, you’ll want to hit on all 4 of these approaches to see the best effects.

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11 foods to avoid when you have hemochromatosis

What’s the best diet for hemochromatosis? Unfortunately for anyone with hemochromatosis, a good ol’ standard American diet couldĀ steer you toward some dangerous side effects of iron overload, such as diabetes, arthritis, or cancer. Here’s a list of foods that anyone and everyone with hemochromatosis needs to be careful consuming.

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